Saturday, September 17, 2005

in the dark of night

I've been obsessed with the show Rockstar: INXS these past few weeks and this Tuesday they finally announce their winner. I'm keeping fingers crossed for Mig Ayesa:) Hence, this should explain the title of this blog. It's a line from their song "By My Side." During tomorrow's run, I'm going to secretly dedicate my run to Mig in hopes that he wins. Filipinos really need their rocker and hopefully by this time next week he'll be the one.

Also, I'm writing you from Maui. In the dark of night. Hours away from the marathon and the start line. We're lounging in the dark of night by the pool to eat our last meal (semi) together. I can't believe we're here and that we've come so far. By this time tomorrow I'll be done with my ice bath and lounging in the room, eating something meaty and beefy, recovering, and looking forward to my 85 minute over-priced massage.

At this point, I can only picture the start and the finish. I'm not sure what's going to happen in the middle. All I know is I came all this way to run and complete this race. Fingers crossed and prayers made, I hope to cross that finish. (Besides, I really want that finishers t-shirt and all the cool complimentary stuff you get like... small samples of Xango mangosteen drink!) I've done all I can do and just hope that lady fate is kind and carries me to the finish. Since we arrived on Thursday, I've been averaging about 4-6 liters of water to keep me hydrated. In the bay area I was averaging about 4 liters. I think I'm good on hydration.

The dark of night in Maui is beautiful. It's midnight black. The sky is clear. The moon is full. Luckily, the heavens have been listening because the weather is not as hot as I was anticipating. There's 40% chance of rain which means that if that does happen, I won't conk out so quickly.

The team is in high spirits and although they're all here, a part of them is missing them. But that's just me. Thinking ahead. The usual pessimist.

But I'm off. To eat my burger and pack my things. I'm off to run this race. Fingers crossed. Prayers made.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe in you!