Wednesday, October 03, 2007

CrossFit One World W.O.T.D.

The posted warm-up was Row 1000 meters. However, I was already warm because I had just come from yoga class. Also, this was one of those workouts that didn't need a formal warm-up.

WOD: Fun With Body Weight
Complete 10 rounds for time of:
80 jump ropes*
10 modified burpees
10 Abmat sit-ups
10 push-ups (on knees)
10 squats
10 band assisted pull-ups

And then...

Notes (to myself) about this workout:
I didn't record time on this one because I knew it would take me forever. I want to say it took me about an hour. I'm afraid to know, actually. Then again, this was one of those workouts where I was happy I wasn't trying to beat a time clock. Sometimes you just have to roll with the workout itself and let it be. Despite it taking forever, I really liked this workout because it was do-able. Hard, but do-able. *Because I'm so slow with the ropes, I did 80 jump ropes instead of the rx'd 100.

On another note... I've decided to post the same photos that were featured on the One World CrossFit website. I don't always know the folks in the photos, but I do share the CrossFit family luv!

OWMA Quotable Quote
"Wow Joanne! That takes a lot of talent!"
- James commenting on my post-WOD yoga stretching

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