Tuesday, December 30, 2008

CrossFit One World WOD

Like many photos on this blog, I lifted this from the CrossFit One World site. Apparently, Freddy needed to ice his knees after a WOD but there was no ice to be found. He had to settle for some cold beer. Pretty clever, yeah?

Row 500 meters
Random stretching

WOD: "The Filthy Fifty"
Complete the following for time
50 box jumps 18"
50 jumping pull-ups
50 kettlebell swings 25#
50 walking lunge steps
50 knees to elbows
50 push presses 33#
50 back extensions
50 wall balls 14#
50 burpees
100 jump rope rotations

Joanne's Final Time - 53:50

Notes (to myself) about this workout:
This is an awful WOD. Period. But I did it. I even did it with no gloves. The knees to elbows were done hanging on the bar. I have a CrossFit callous to prove it. Boo! Cheers to my last WOD of 2008. What a way to say good-bye.

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